这款楼梯采用先进机器人技术和制造能力,根据客户需求量身打造。表面纹理与BALATON CAPITAL BLACK墙板保持一致,呈现巴拉顿湖波浪状图案,与首都黑色彩交相辉映,营造出一种既现代又优雅的氛围。
BALATON CAPITAL BLACK楼梯以其独特的设计理念、精湛的工艺技术和个性化的定制服务,为追求高品质生活的人们带来了全新的视觉享受与空间体验。它不仅满足了客户对美观与实用的双重需求,更成为了空间中一道亮丽的风景线。
A fusion of surfaces and shapes brought this custom-made Balaton Capital Black wall covering to life. The choice of the fishbone shape as a wall covering is an unusual phenomenon, and in this case the designer also added the wavy Balaton surface and Capital Black. The result speaks for itself! This fish splinter wall covering is not part of our standard wall covering collection; How could it have been created? The advantage of our robotic and manufacturing production is that we can meet individual needs. Thanks to this, our different surface structures - such as the floating Lake Balaton - and colours can be combined according to individual needs. In the project, a unique staircase with the same surface. In addition, the classic buffet floor in the bedroom is also EDELHOLZ product.